Monday, May 28, 2007

Best of spam for May 2007

pillline.jpgIncredibly sparse spam month. Not just no spam worth commenting, but very few spam at all. Is May vacation month for spammers? Have the Earthlink filters, for the moment, caught up to the spammers techniques? We shall see what happens in June.

Two odd trends. 

One was a line of text "If you cannot see the message please click here" followed by 3 pictures (I presume). Yeah. Right. Bet that worked well.

Another was a colored rectangle with white ad text and black nonsense text. But also hidden (though revealed when highlighted) was more nonsense text that was the same color as the rectangle. 

No waiting in long Pills lines with us, shop fasttry prolongate but blowfish it workpiece be quartile a settle 

See us here
not cartographic but vicious the commend on russell be proficient 

in cake it's arizona the minesweeper a nevada some splat

be sisyphus a desirous be concise some brenner ! skulk

it's wane see zoo in mallard it's crap may insulate
(I really hate those long pills lines!)

The hidden text is just as nonsensical as the visible text. The HTML is all perfectly regular. They had a fair number of "the"s in them which spam tend to lack (spam, at least the kind that I get, has a dearth of "the"s and an overabundance of "but"s, "try", "see"s and "may"s) but nothing that I can see that hidden text would give an advantage to when passing through filters.

  • Shortcut Weebly
  • Refugio Butler
  • fishpond
  • qualitytank


Sound like names
  • burundi and dentistry the epitome the
  • maximal the storm
  • arizona the minesweeper
  • alison the beethoven
  • bellwether the ammonium
  • parasol the grenoble
  • signor the wispy
  • brahmsian the abyss
  • electron the tunis
  • duck the shopkeep
  • romano the aegis
  • just click the mouse. Life in a screen! How exciting.
  • attribute spectacular moral consequences to virtual reality,
  • People may turn into a bunch of couch institutions.

Almost makes sense
  • These natural boring, so balanced and harmonious and uninteresting.
  • mallard it's crap may insulate
  • amateur graphic artists will have medium to nun in design skills.
  • be awaken, apotheosis!
  • not apogee may visitation but bursitis , art some pastiche
  • be powerful ! parent not caravan see duck the shopkeep
  • bramble a hackney and anthropomorphic a tropopause

  • eleanor aborning

  • budgetary babyhood
  • crossword deepen
  • zone of absorption zone of absorption
  • can I pay by other methods shipping costs Joseph
  • dictionary flannel definite
  • dynamic bluegill corporeal douse can
  • ferromagnetism commodious hover
  • capacitate donna menhaden dallas issue pigeonfoot
  • d'oeuvre cochrane frustrater verbatim muscovite drift gigging
  • horror lawgive chungking disruptive

    Somehow related:

  • Get top of the line Vacuums for your house on us- The Dyson Animal and Root 6!
  • A $500 Macy's Card is waiting for you pending participation Animal and Root 6!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Best of spam for April 2006

No particular trends this month.

  • Garland Camp
  • Poste it
  • orientalprincess
  • Bray Peacock
  • Lochlainn Wetzel
  • Triassic
  • Imposture
  • Lability
  • Chang Cusack
  • Dudley Babb
  • Amber Moody


Sound like names
  • woodcock bushmaster frontiersman
  • plush the spit
  • coot the granitic

Real quotes, all from one spam
  • What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.
  • I thought how unpleasant it is to be locked out and I thought how it is worse, perhaps, to be locked in.
  • Chess is ruthless: you've got to be prepared to kill people.
  • Patch grief with proverbs.
  • Anyone who lives in this time is concerned with grottiness.
  • Join the company of lions rather than assume the lead among foxes.
  • The individual's whole experience is built upon the plan of his language.
  • There are few sorrows, however poignant, in which a good income is of no avail.
  • Never ask a favor of someone till they have had their dinner.
  • Sometimes legends make reality, and become more useful than the facts.
  • Cards are war, in disguise of a sport.
  • When I die, my epitaph should read: She Paid the Bills. That's the story of my private life.
  • Every man has his dignity. I'm willing to forget mine, but at my own discretion and not when someone else tells me to.

  • Have you ever clicked send?
  • My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I'm right.
  • How to be an Alien.
  • Merpeople were rising with him.

Almost makes sense
  • Puppy group solar five, solid, sky.
  • There sky is religion another poison way, said wed Morrel.
  • Try pancake on odysseus the basepoint
  • but halma may reuters and bindweed and lass be thirsty
  • that was only a few times larger than a pebblelook of kindness meet
  • snuggle or consort some amigo it imperturbable the fatten
  • purl on circlet see lebensraum on pole but pharaoh

Astonishing watches
  • Ladies and Men's Watches For all Privileged Occasions

Happy loan offers
  • Our company is seriously honored to have attained your house financing invitation approval.
  • Our establishment is definitely enthusiastic to have gotten your house bank requisition confirmation.

  • KleinQuartic.jpgbe shiny try quartic

  • hard trance amnezia
  • Phunky mix

  • breast-fed guillotine
  • try satin
  • scoot platform
  • bessemer babylon
  • symbolize effusively
  • eidetic nutmeg
  • punster cryptographer
  • monochrome catchy
  • dull marriott bellmen collision boastful
  • babylon thought guidance crash mandatory
  • resiny and halfway