Mixed in with spam trailing bits and pieces of the Craiglist user agreement, there was a bumper crop of randomly generated sentences. It was a refreshing change from the chunks of news reports that started in July or June. Must have been June since I deleted that month. The news reports were being used for subject lines too. June was a very boring month for spam.
No Annie's this month (though there was a "christian Mary"). And the "Was at ... when that" disappeared halfway through the month.
The names have hit a boring blip. The trend is for names to look like "Wade.U" and "Z.Virginia" Seems to me that would be a red flag right there for spam filters. Though the names inside can still be interesting. Faustino Healyu, surprisingly wasn't selling drugs but wanted to help me refinance my loan. Maybe a broker for the devil? (Though I suspect it was a spamination of Healy with an extra letter tacked on. There were several of those: Dumasx, Crowleye, Townsendj, Nadeauc.)
Just as is, all in one spam!
Any given beautiful sofa spit.Subjects
Any given stupid paper fidgeting.
Her expensive omprella fidgeting while her daughters fancy tall odd shaped tall baby spit and perhaps a given round tall bed stinks.
Our children beautiful sport shoes prepare for fight.
A silver slopy sofa is on fire.
Mine fancy white eraser is on fire.
Her golden glove adheres.
Any given round-shaped mouse stinks.
The beautiful fancy little red tv stinks.
Whose fancy kitchen smiles.
Her silver kitchen arrives however, our white soft glove arrives as soon as a given odd shaped well-crafted sony calculates.
The purple binocyles prepare for fight.
His red picture show its value.
A given little bed prepare for fight or maybe her daughters shining mobile phone looks around.
tiara heartbeat
- wastage
- There. Hopefully.
- kindness
- flattery
- agememnon Don't disclose spectrophotometer
- transfinite Don't look back... cater
- Don't look back... diego bad
- Feel bad... flow pulsar
- Don't feel bad bipartisan delegate
- Feel bad... walgreen slam
- tuition Feel bad... bodybuilder
- desist feel bad... homesick
- don't disclose squall dung
- cabbage servant
- its gonna be secret
- They envy you graves geophysics
- they envy you denounce
- What?? circumspect? shenanigan pasadena
- panther Look interesting birdie
- delineate look rich reconcile
- centennial Look rich bawdy
- seltzer I'm tired... inquisition
- alternate i'm tired... vainglorious
- damp LOL couscous
- This is important fibration
- This is incredible coquette lithosphere
- Does money excite you [I suppose that was supposed to be real, but funny nonetheless!]
- Get pretty cowry miasma [the spam was for "Pure Okinawan Coral Calcium" though I suspect the "sea theme" was pure coincidence]
- where are you? trollop buxton
- misery Keep it to you skew
- cataclysmic or like Ali Cassidy
- They're nice lurid postlude
- They're nice tariff deputy
- They're exclusive crowd doom
- nowadays they're beautiful declivity
- oases They're exclusive belshazzar
- intersect They're beautiful micrography
- badge They're exclusive bridegroom
- morning sickness reptile
- accomplished threshold
- notes threshold
- Hello or Letter
- celandine connected
- you hewn large attracted
- pea Regarding Work impalpable
- Regarding Work handsome aristocrat
- Regarding AIM hornbeam forfeit
- Regarding AIM circular shrove
- cusp regarding job minimal
- maltese dog
- catfish I hope this is the right email lineprinter
- constructor are you ignoring me? net
- aid looking good malt
- atchison Looking good chamber
- camelopard very important agleam
- candlewick wrap is? palomar
- currant-bushes were breaking into leaf, and little flowers were coming [amoung several other subjects-pulled-from-novels but at least that one was incongruously pretty]
- trimmed ChampCar
"Ever since he left Bletchley Park, he has been carrying several sheets of onionskin paper around in his breast pocket; when he sleeps, he puts them under his pillow. Now he takes them out and selects one page, which has a serial number typed across the top and is otherwise covered with neatly typed letters like this:721cUzzF"
No, actually more like: ATHOP COGNQ DLTUI CAPRH MULEP
From Chapter 25 "The Castle" of Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon.
All lined up in the junk folder like Burma Shave signs
- achieve
- harmony
- bake
- travertine
- Calexico Bloodflow [band name & one of their songs used as a Sender name]
- Bourdais Jones
- Alfarou
- Saul Norwood
- Kmillion
- Apigeonfoot
- Phailstone
- Ofiction
- Erna Rush
- Graciela Jewell
- Durfee
- Robin Moon
- Faustino Healyu
- Jolene Dumas
- Marcie Crowleye
- peru poplin the smallest baa
- Lon was at clergy when that happened gabble.
- Veronica was at bookseller when that happened rectify.
- Bryant was at cartridge when that happened arctan.
- Alfred was at lamp when that happened strengthen.
- Manuela was at assume when that happened transmit.
- Gabriel was at coachwork when that happened hoofmark.
- Travis was at ocular when that happened homily.
- Phil was at bewail when that happened curtis.
- Linwood was at colonel when that happened bewail.
- Colin was at demurrer when that happened drummond.
- persevering ginks bent on making the best of a good chance
- Then intend wise
- counterfeits I desire your opinion
- not asiatic living that smiled trousers
- washer goodlooking
- zirconium grammar
- basement thread
- scowl polymorph
- was behaviour intonate and benelux beatific
- blimp artist
- palindrome choir
- barnstorm covary
- inept miles
- napoleonic legitimacy
- when raise loud may companies patchen may parts ambulance
- when tired toadstool
- a thermionic yearbook
- when hardly mulch the acoustic ears
- when apportion potential and outer undertake
- magnesite again
- was airship seal not deluxe selection
- that pepper underline may fickle ingenuity
- what sleeve overland may adair animate on destine gingerbread some childhood objet
- upstairs expenditures
- pearlstone tension
- sway berries
- ceiling minerals
- hopeless libation
- may advisory nymphomania that bedroom cream
- the collected salvation
- scared scared
- nefik
- adagio
- bellwether
- steelmake
- treble-dated
- efface
- gunmetal
- hornbeam
- stiletto-proof
- omprella Poem written by Tod Pardon made of words from spam.
- oregano
- rainette
- greenware
- trollop
- oracle
- knurl
- agnostic
- quadrangular
- Phailstone
- riparian
- omniscient
- travertine
- pearlstone
- Do you contemplate taking the veil If legs of a chair to support her
- Forget not my elks head Rebecca was my fathers last [Quite possibly an actual sentence from an actual book.]
- Tiger loses lead have giggle
- what flap already when infected butcher a rebuild named the inflammatory pornography the actuarial remonstrate
half-great clump-head grass ill-housed
gas battery tea-growing stiletto-proof
fishing worm all-wisely rainette green
wood cement orient blue hand baggage
worse-bodied Ocoee series treble-dated
trolley catcher spiral-spring press iron
self-relying Indian giver fashion plate
self-rewarded doctor blade turret deck
may polymorph gelable a haughty preference or factories marvel when footage parking may seaseat thousandth as wages ginkgo
and mistake crycurrent that halve cleaner in psychological
planned it's coke carefully that mechanical coming as thread funny the theater ambassador
but contemporary bedroom may backwardsname gathered it's runs guncarriage
it medicinal tea and cobbler outburst what help infant or goucher hollywood
when drawings means some herald restore a capstan
buckley was tie nerves
some waterfront shilling some leader bromide what tales subtract may umbrage pygmalion or spite bondsman but ones leukemia may expedient receipt was really after on reproduce earlier but regardless application when possibly lrsfrt not detour station and omniscient see when eighty division
in careen minutes a inflammatory abandoned and mixed downwards the pulled styrofoam
and coming irritating was diver gray it's existence morgan
and liked overshoe that managed congest as waves probable what inches rubbed was submarines winch what represent atlantic
but speaker customer it chew seventeen some head towards that demands encountered on oncology convenience
what springs shinning that musicale
yes when voting suddenly it's shadflower ordinate
when chicanery jesus that sideways frequency it's burned firebug in advantage runner
a things limited a canteen signify in verisimilitude undersized that overseer choctaw
the saved plutonium or typical orchid on customs bookkeeper but selection kind
but refused shrewish
but tic true in fascicle aged
but undo tired on wren nearer when counselor whos a vessels probable may missing dancer was understand prostate that wagon ethan was becomes advertisement it cook awry when announced downwards as spoon misspell
but mama speaking or approached wordy it appointed exactly not domenico quarter it week reading
a movement logarithm a innocuous breathing on davies crooked was inches gently may easier body the look supper in riparian judges in puerto moll
a moreover flexibility in scorecard members as missing antisemitism and tonne thats not mind kids was allen severa and jove ideas that balsa recent was table establish was surrounded excite
in disappointed apologetic as anderson agony when stubble rash and moment throughout
that rider unimportant that milkman sufficient
a jericho colleague
it's youre seated may drawer cheque as mchugh feather
some rebuild lover some harbour liking when irremovable viewer a dressing waterline
the christianson holst may handsome butcher
it's zimmerman malay it restructuring wrapped may assimilable singer
it christian mary in coin restructuring or disgust campground in upstairs expenditures
that statement rapidly may stronger stiletto but intelligence icelandic it jugoslavia
former a guess pass may pearlstone tension when valuable accomplice and segregate stud a barnstorm covary
when ideas savings or lourdes available when twa bujilt was yes handwriting was cookies outlook some wagon undermined
not each lodging may variate shipping
Spam poetry (with just some help on the line breaks)
on agreement gigantic in studied billfold the wondered revealed
when foundation slime and fastened having
when anus percussion was indians
abstract not renovate
on cramps considerable on oneline woodpecker or engel lives
in doing apologize
some license corporeal on forms fire
or signals quadrangular some knurl vibrato
it's outgoing inaugural some treated described
what perfectly stems
Spam message
This one reminds me of the "Selling It" items on the back inside cover of Consumer Reports. Genuine replicas? They're guaranteed to swim if you're wearing them!
All our genuine Swiss Ro1ex Replica should have the following.
All of our watches are guaranteed to be able to swim while wearing
Prompt and attentive customer service.
We are the only ones to carry genuine, Swiss made Rollex
The gold looks exactly like a real Ro1ex.
Just lists of words (and by this point everyone but me is totally bored ;-)
scruple landscape nash grayson byrd careworn pobox seem accrual brahmaputra herself connoisseur erupt leafy mimesis bodice flashback turntable servitude huckleberry burton may or inveigle plop huron a buildup oregano genetic poverty schuylkill compacter suit cit ante bestubble demagogue bypass checkup moravia contentious extraneous dim talkie tumultuous breakaway zenith bricklaying antagonistic boundary bury
anarchy homeopath waring expectorant credible fleck snider adenosine contraband doug hicks nauseum charismatic cecropia wrest ascription semblance galena canada gloss syenite castle wingspan commendation physik salesperson beer deductible calcine executor rube bootstrapped cola soldier spector inelastic try see auspices residential bonaparte monument nobody cameo x's cony cady alpenstock exterminate devisee expeditious clayton metropolitan inmate constant flair selenate abutted yang ahmadabad lazy period gymnosperm sentence ulan ammunition daniel irredentism adjective excruciate wilkins mit stoppage tulsa on
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